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Central table bargaining continues

November 4, 2021 Kate Toogood, ATA News Staff

Central table bargaining continues, with the Central Table Bargaining Committee (CTBC) meeting with the Teachers’ Employer Bargaining Association (TEBA) for the second time on Wednesday, Oct. 13.

Negotiations are continuing as expected, says CTBC chair Peter MacKay, who is also the district representative for North West.

“The tone continues to be cordial and our meeting was productive,” he says. “Similar to previous rounds of bargaining, during Wednesday’s session both sides spent time asking lots of questions about items within the proposals in an attempt to gain a greater understanding of where the other side is coming from.”

“This is typical for this early stage of the process and always provides helpful context for the days to come.”

MacKay says that although these beginning stages look similar to previous rounds, he thinks negotiations will be a little different this time.

“We got the sense earlier on that this round will be a bit unique compared to previous bargaining,” he says. “So, we’ll need to be very strategic in how we bargain, and we will want to take our time. However, things are moving forward.”

Teachers will continue to receive regular updates through bargainer’s blogs (found in the Bargaining Updates section of the ATA website) and through emailed member’s updates. This will be done regularly as bargaining continues, even if details or new information may be scant.

Anyone with questions is encouraged to reach out to your local Teacher Welfare Committee representative. ❚


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